Ghost Picks Jack is full sending it on his NBA Game of the Year! Take the shot! Get linked up! The Ghost Picks Team is rolling into the weekend hot! Jimmy is 20-10 his last 30 Top Tiers and 20-9 in the MLB! Patrick is 13-7 his last 20 Top Tiers! Jack has only had 1 losing day this week! The team is hawt! Get off the bench and get playing!
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Wizards -3.5 vs Pacers
The wizards are 6-0 ATS their last 6 games and they will not stop there. This game is a potential future playoff game! Beal is a master right now, leading his team to be one of the highest scoring teams in the NBA! We see a high over and we believe it will be a repeat of the same game that just happened less then a week ago. Lets see the Wizards lay hate to the pacers to give us a easy win!
Wizards -3.5